Friday, February 8, 2013

Zoey's First Birthday

Happy birthday to my sweetest Zoey. It's amazing that a year has gone by so quickly, especially with all of those long sleepless nights.

This year I have had so many superlative experiences.

The scariest thing I've ever been through was getting on the emergency airlift and knowing that if I started delivering Zoey within the hour, there was a good chance she would die.

Labor was the most physically uncomfortable experience I've ever had.

I've never been more relieved than I was when I heard Zoey cry for the first time in the operating room, after delivering her five weeks premature and worrying that her lungs weren't developed.

I've never been more anxious than I was waiting for the doctors to tell us how her surgery went.

Sadness. Oh God, how I used to cry when I had to leave her for the night. I would sit on the shuttle to the Ronald McDonald House and stare at her window of the NICU until it was out of sight. As soon as I was in my room I would just cry and cry.

I was so jealous of other families in the hospital who got to take their infants home. Nothing compares to that jealously, that "why me? Why Zoey?" and the envy I felt.

The happiest moment of my life was when I finally got to hold her for the first time. It was a hassle to deal with all her tubes and wires, and it took two nurses to set us up, but it was perfect.

I will never be more in love with anyone than I am with my baby daughter.

And I will never be more content with my life than I have been every day since bringing her home.


  1. What a lucky girl to have you for her mommy. <3

  2. Happy Birthday sweet girl!! Glad you are healthy and happy, hope you get to play with your cousin Natalie soon! Love, Bree, Cody, and Nat!

  3. You were amazing, Liz!! Skyler was amazing too. And Zoey...well she is a combination of amazing spirit and the love and support of you and Skyler. :) xoxo

  4. waiting for your airplane to arrive in SF and then the ambulance to the hospital was the scariest part for me. I couldn't see you, I didn't know how you were doing - so hard to handle. Then, it was just awesome watching you and Skyler be the team you are for your precious baby.

  5. A truly loving mother's words. And truly loving mother of that mother's words. What a special family you all are. Sending love to all of you, Kissy
